About Our College

It is said that India is a rich Country, inhabited by poor people. With such tremendous resources at our command like immense manpower, near infinite hydro resources, large coal potential, minerals and metals, vast tracts of fertile land, magnificent and bounteous gifts of nature, rich and proud heritage and Civilization as old as mankind itself, how come we still are poor? Somewhere, somehow, the others surged ahead of us & we were left behind. Old order changed, yielding place to the new. History has assigned a very crucial yet Herculean task to the present generation.
The young executives & the computer wizards have been given the responsibility of operating the economic levers of the country in order to usher in a self reliant & confident society. The whole world has become one market and we have to struggle hard to reach the top of the world economic order. I invite the young-the bright future of this country, to take up this challenge. Hard work, discipline, determination and will to conquer will put you on the ladder of success. We, at this college, along with my esteemed colleagues, will do everything possible to motivate you to achieve your destiny. This is only a small beginning. I trust, you will find the right stimulus and environment in this college to realize your starry dreams. I on behalf of Managing Committee welcome you to this great Institution.
With Best Wishes,
Dr Kashmir Singh
Scholarship Programs
Our college offers diverse scholarship programs to support students' dreams.
Apply now for a brighter future!