- Medical Room
- Computer Lab
- CCTV Surveillance
- Chemistry Lab
- Waste Segregation Management
- Central Instrumentation Facility Centre
- English Language Lab
- Experimental Farm
- Media Centre
- Server Room
- Auditorium
- Physics Lab
- Day Care Centre
- Smart Class Room
- Weather Observatory
- Library
- Sports
- Canteen & Nescafe
- Digital Notice Board
- Rain Water Harvesting System
- ICT Enabled Classrooms
- Ice-Cream Pilot Plant
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Rain Water Harvesting System
The college has a rain water harvesting system for recharging the ground water. The total capacity of the Rain water harvesting unit in the College campus is 856168 Cusec.The methodology of rainwater harvesting involves collection, channelization, filtering, storage and recharge of rain water. Rain water from roofs of the buildings of the college is diverted into recharge pits. Additionally, run off from the open areas is converted into recharge through recharge trenches along the roads and walkways. 4 water storage tanks are installed in the campus in which water goes after filtration and one time storage capacity is 75762 cubic litres. After that the overflow will go the four recharging units. Capability of ground water recharging units is 4560 litre/minute. Total Catchment area= 33211.47 square meter Average rainfall in Fatehgarh sahib =730mm Total Volume of water= 33211.47 *730 = 24244.373 square meter = 856168 Cusec.

Scholarship Programs
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