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The Bharat Scouts & Guides (BSG)

Selfless Service
About Bharat Scouts & Guides (BSG)
In the year 1909, Scouting started in India. The first Guide Company in India was started in Jabalpur,Central India in 1911. The national headquarters of BSG is recognised by the Government of India. The objective of Scouting is to contribute to the education of young people, through a value system based on the Scout Promise and Law to help build a better world where people are self-fulfilled as individuals and play a constructive role in society. Scout and Guide units are separate though they have some coeducational activities such as Rallies, Jamborees, and conferences.The BSG unit of this prestigious college started in July, 2017 and has twofollowing program officers:
- Prof. Sham Bansal (Dept. of Mathematics)
- Dr. Ramneek Kaur (Dept. of Physics)
The purpose of the Movement is to contribute to the development of young people in achieving their full physical, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual potentials as individuals, as responsible citizens and as members of local, national and international communities.
The Scout /Guide Movement is based on the following principles:
Duty To GOD
Adherence to spiritual principle, loyalty to the religion that expresses the acceptance of the duties resulting there from.
Duty To Others
Loyalty to one’s country in harmony of local and international peace, understanding, co-operation. Participation in the development of society with recognition and respect for dignity of one’s fellowmenand for the integrity of the natural world.
Duty To Self
Responsibility for the development of one’s self.
The Method
The Scout /Guide Method is a system of progressive self-education through:
- A Promise and Law
- Learning by doing
- Membership of small groups under adult leadership involving progressive discovery andacceptance of responsibility and training towards self -government directed towards thedevelopment of character, and the acquisition of competence, self-reliance, dependability andcapacities to co-operate and to lead.
- Progressive and stimulating programmes of various activities based on the interest of theparticipants including games, useful skills and services to the community taking place largely inan outdoor setting in contact with nature.
The association is divided in four (respective three) sections according to age:
Bharat Scouts
- Bunnies (Both Boys and Girls) - ages 3 to 5
- Cubs - boys, ages 5 to 10
- Scouts - boys, ages 10 to 17
- Rovers - boys, ages 17 to 25
Bharat Guides
- Bulbuls - girls, ages 5 to 10
- Guides - girls, ages 10 to 17
- Rangers - girls, ages 17 to 25
Scout/Guide Motto
- Bunnies - Keep smiling
- Cubs/Bulbuls - Koshish Karo (do your best)
- Scouts/Guides - Taiyar (be prepared)
- Rovers/Rangers - Seva (Service)
The highest awards are
- for the Cubs/Bulbuls section the "Golden Arrow Award"
- for the Scout/Guide section the Rashtrapati Scout/Guide Award
- for the Rover/Ranger section the Rashtrapati Rover/Ranger Award
Scout/Guide Promise
“On my honour I promise that I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my Country
To help other people and
To obey the Scout/Guide Law.”
Scout and Guide Law
- A Scout/Guide is trustworthy
- A Scout/Guide is loyal
- A Scout/Guide is a friend to all and a brother/sister to every other Scout/Guide
- A Scout/Guide is courteous
- A Scout/Guide is a friend to animals and loves nature
- A Scout/Guide is disciplined and helps to protect public property
- A Scout/Guide is courageous
- A Scout/Guide is thrifty
- A Scout/Guide is pure in thought, word and deed
Major Activities
1. NIPUN Rover/Ranger Testing Training Camp:
The NIPUN Rover/Ranger Testing Training Campis organized every year and the duration of each camp is of 5 days with day-night boarding & lodging. These camps are held at Tara Devi, Shimla. Rovers and Rangers of different colleges/schools of the country participates in this camp.At camp, Scouts gain a positive sense of self-worth and usefulness by applying their creativity and skills – helpingothers, working together.Camp is the perfect place for Scouts to practice making decisions for themselves without parents and teachers guiding their every move. Scouts manage their daily routines and choices in the safe, caring environment of camp. Scouts can use this freedom to blossom in new directions. Camp fosters a sense of community and builds teamwork. Strong personal values and character are shaped as Scouts are encouraged to live by the Scout Oath and Law. 24 students participated in the NIPUN 5 Day-Night Camp at Tara Devi, Shimla from September 1, 2018 to September 5, 2018 and 14 students participated in the NIPUN 5 Day-Night Camp at Tara Devi, Shimlafrom February 2, 2020 to February 6, 2020.
Objectives of the NIPUN Camp
Make the Rovers and Rangers aware of the following:
- To enlighten the spirit of social service
- History of our diversified culture
- Improvement of physical and mental strength
- Exposure to new vocational possibilities
- To strengthen their moral foundations
2.Rajya Puraskar Award Camp
Those volunteers who attended the NIPUN camp are eligible to attend the Rajya Puraskar camp with the gap of one year after attending the NIPUN camp. The Rajya Puraskar camp for Rovers and Rangers is conducted by the State Headquarters of Bharat Scouts and Guides. The Rajya Puraskar award campis organized every year and the duration of each camp is of 5 days with day-night boarding & lodging. Rovers and Rangers of different colleges/schools of the country participates in this camp. Scouts take a part in decisions that impact others, they help one another, they contemplate their relationship with God, reflect on their personal values, and participate in patriotic and spiritual activities that help develop their duty to God and country. A week at Camp gets Scouts outside and into the open air and the wilderness. Scouts will develop a deeper appreciation for the natural world at camp. As Baden-Powell, the founder of Scouting, once wrote: “The open-air is the real objective of Scouting and the key to its success”. 4 students participated in the Rajya Puraskar 5 Day-Night Camp at Tara Devi, Shimla from February 2, 2020 to February 6, 2020.
Objectives of the Rajya Puraskar Award Camp
Make the Rovers and Rangers aware of the following:
- To prepare young boys and girls as ideal human beings and ideal citizens
- To aware about rich cultural diversity of India
- To create the officer like qualities in the volunteers
- Provide a chance to develop overall personality of the Student volunteers
3. Rashtrapati Award Camp
This award is presented by the President of India on the recommendation of chief National Commissioner. A Rajya Puraskar Rover/Ranger is eligible to qualify for the Rashtrapati Award on completionof 17 years 06 months ofage and after serving at least one year as Rajya Puraskar Rover/Ranger. The ChiefNational Commissioner who is the final authority to grant Rashtrapati Award shall issue time to timesuitable directives in respect ofbadges, tests etc. and ensure the standard.The President of India on the recommendation of the Chief National Commissioner presents theRashtrapati Award Certificates at a formal Ceremony.
Objectives of the Rashtrapati Award Camp
Make the Rovers and Rangers aware of the following:
- Enhance leadership qualities, fraternity, team spirit and risk-taking capacity
- National pride through knowledge about India
- Infuse the sense of love towards the various regions of India
- Constitute the bond of patriotism, national integration, brotherhood and communal harmony
4. Adventure / Cultural National Camps:
Many adventure/ cultural national camps are organized every year. These camps are conducted in different states of the country. The adventure activities undertaken in these camps include trekking of mountains, water rafting, Para-sailing and basic skiing. In the cultural camps, scouts represent the culture of their respective states and get to know the cultures of the other states. These camps develop self-confidence, tolerance and brotherhood among the students. Such camps make students self- Dependent. The purpose of these camps is for developing the leadership qualities of an individual.Camp helps Scouts build personal responsibility. Living together everyone must cooperate and respect each other. When you live in a tent with another Scout and in a campsite with others, you share responsibilities, resolve disagreements, and find out the importance of sincere communication. Campsare packed with fun adventures for Scouts! Scouts who go to camp will definitely have some cool stories to share with their classmates, friends, family members, teachers, and fellow Scouts.Ten students of the unit participated in the national rover ranger camp to celebrate the 100 years of rangering at Jagatpura, Jaipur from August 19, 2019 to August 23, 2019.
Objectives of Adventure / Cultural National Camps:
Make the Rovers and Rangers aware of the following:
- Promote various adventure activities among scouts
- Enable the volunteers to interact with fellow members hailing from various parts of India
- Experience the tradition, custom, culture, language of all states of India
- Remind the volunteers of the cultural importance of festivals celebrated in our country
5. International Camps:
International camps are also organized every year. These camps are conducted in different countries of the world, like Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Egypt, Finland, Ireland, Japan, Lithuania, Nepal, Netherlands, Thailand, UK, USA etc.The activities undertaken in these camps include adventure activities, cultural festivals, games, coastal trekking, desert trekking, skating tour, water activities, nature study camp, patrol leaders jamborette, environmental activities, cultural exploration, indoor climbing wall, sea scouting activities, competitive & challenging activities disaster management & preparedness, theatre, dance and art activities etc.
Objectives of International Camps:
Make the Rovers and Rangers aware of the following:
- To equip the students with life-skills and knowledge
- To develop practical approach to face the challenges of life
- To integrate the nation through social service
- Rich cultural diversity of India
6. Special Camps:
The College organizes 4 day–night social service camp during the Shahidi Jor Mela every year where the volunteers are made aware of their social responsibilities.
7. One day Camp:
These camps are organized in the college on the celebration of any special day like Foundation day, HIV/AIDS awareness, World peace day, World thinking day etc.
8. Blood Donation Camp:
The BSG unit organizes blood donation camp severy year with the collaboration with NSS unit of the college. and we are really proud to mention that the college has recorded maximum number of blood donations in a year.
For Further Information Contact:
Prof. Sham Bansal (9041964995)
Dr.Ramneek Kaur (8288008845)
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